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It’s Okay to Struggle

I listened recently to a presentation by Dr. Brene Brown on the topic of Hope – my word for 2023.

Brene mentions the measurable two predictors of ‘high hopefulness’ in people as being, ‘perseverence and tenacity’ and goes on to say that ‘the people who have the highest levels of hope have the most experiences of failure.’

I had to listen to that twice and then pause to let that sink in.

As music educators and parents it can be so easy to buy in to the ‘easy, fast and fun’ mentality and we have a deep desire to steer clear of failure ourselves and to shelter our students and children from it as well.

In pondering Brene’s statements throughout this presentation, I was so encouraged at the reminder that working alongside students – even through struggle – has the unique opportunity to create in them a spirit of hopefulness.

Brene speaks into this further by highlighting that ‘high hopeful people’ also learn to separate failure from their identity as people.

“Hope is a function of struggle and is a product of not tying our failure to who we are.” [Dr. Brene Brown]

Persevering through struggling also has a community building function – it truly brings people together and builds a unified sense of hope  So, perhaps hopefulness is leaning into struggle, helping each other through and remembering that, “We can do hard things” – together.


Amie Webster

ARCT Piano Teacher
BC Registered Teacher
Motif Music Studios

Dr. Brene Brown
Watch Brene Brown at the UP Experience 2011